Dave Reede Photography

About the Photographer


Dave ReedeDave Reede grew up along the scenic South Shore of Nova Scotia where he became interested in landscape photography. Since moving to the Canadian Prairies more than thirty years ago, he has developed a passion for photographing agriculture. Dave has been documenting some farm operations for the past thirty years. He has developed a great respect for farmers and admires their friendliness and work ethic.

Dave is no stranger to those requiring high quality and unique imagery of agricultural subject matter. His photography has been featured worldwide for a variety of uses, from major ad campaigns to editorial projects. Dave is recognized as one of North America's top photographers of agriculture. His stock photography has been used by many of North America's best-known companies and organizations in the agriculture sector including BASF, CN Rail-Grain Shipping, Bayer Crop Science, Monsanto, Nutrien, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Monsanto and Syngenta, to name a few.

Dave has over thirty years of experience photographing the agriculture sector for stock photography and on assignment. He specializes in unique and in-depth coverage of all aspects of prairie agriculture, including farm life, crops, equipment, harvest, chemical application, agricultural landscapes, grain terminals, seeding and farmers. He is also well known for his outdoor recreation and landscape imagery.

In the past he has received Manitoba Photographer of the Year awards and Professional Photographers of Canada Kodak Gallery and Fuji Masterpiece awards for excellence in photography. Dave has a Bachelor of Science and a degree in Education.

He is continually updating his photo files with new and exciting imagery.

You can view a random sampling of Dave's creative agriculture imagery using the first link below.

Dave's searchable database of agriculture imagery https://www.agpix.com/results.php?agid=davereede&keyword=agriculture

Dave's searchable database containing various image subject matter http://www.agpix.com/photographer/prime/A0232950.html

Partial list of recent assignment clients and users of stock photography

Agricore United
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Bayer Corporation
Blue Moon Graphics
Bullman Communications
Canada Post
Canadian Cement Association
Canadian Geographic Magazine
Canadian Heritage
Canadian Wheat Board
Canola Council Of Canada
Case IH
Circle Design
City of Winnipeg
Communication Services Manitoba
Cossette Communications
Dow Agro Sciences
Firefly Books
Fusion Communications
GB Graphics
Going Places Magazine
Green Valley Custom Publishing
Harrowsmith Country Life Magazine
Hartcourt Brace and Company
Idea Marketing Group
Image Works
Imperial Oil Ltd.
Innovative Media
John Deere
Linnet Geomatics
M2 Communications
Manitoba Agriculture and Food
Manitoba Business Magazine

Manitoba Chamber of Commerce
Manitoba Crop Insurance
Manitoba Finance
Manitoba Heritage and Tourism
Manitoba Industry, Trade and Mines
Manitoba Natural Resources
Manitoba Public Insurance
Manitoba Telecom Services
Market Force
McKim Advertising
National Foundation for Cancer
National Research Council of Canada
New Holland
Osbourne and Barr Communications
Outdoor Canada
Oxford Properties Group
Parks Canada
Phillips Petroleum
Pioneer Grain
Postcard Factory
Princess Auto
Proven Seed
Ramboc Enterprises
Robin Hood
SC Telecom
Seed World Magazine
Smith Design
Successful Farming Magazine
Syngenta Seeds
Tom Powell Design
Tourism Winnipeg
University of British Columbia
University of Winnipeg
Whitecap Books
Winnipeg Downtown Biz
Winnipeg Hydro
Image Restriction Notice
Images on the website are copyrighted and the property of the photographer. Use of any image must be negotiated with the copyright owner. Unauthorized usage is strictly forbidden.
Contact Info
Email Dave