Dave Reede Photography
--» Four

Saskatchewan 3 

[click on image to enlarge view]-
Rainbow over old barn, near Ponteix
Mustard and barley fields, near Admiral
Moving pump jack and inland grain terminal, Gull Lake
Loading rail hopper cars, inland grain terminal Swift Current
Pump jack and oil storage tank, Estevan
Hail damaged wheat field, near Vanguard
Highway 13, near Viceroy
Train pulling rail hopper cars, inland grain terminal, Gull Lake
Abandoned grain elevators, Dankin
Older man, abandoned grain elevator, ghost town of Bents
Prairie slough, near Kamsack
Old farmhouse, Big Muddy Badlands
Oll Pumpjack and canola field near Carlyle
Sunrise over badlands and Castle Butte, Big Muddy Badlands
Durum wheat harvest, near Ponteix
Weathered landscape, Big Muddy Badlands
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